

Entries marked with * are available for précis and presentations.

Greek Epigram: General

Bing, S. and J. S. Bruss. Brill’s Companion to Hellenistic Epigram. Leiden: Brill.

Gutzwiller, Kathryn J. 2007. A Guide to Hellenistic Literature.  Malden, MA: Blackwell.

Gutzwiller, Kathryn J. Poetic Garlands: Hellenistic Epigrams in Context. Berkeley, Calif.: University of California Press, 1998.

Hutchinson, Gregory O. 2008. Talking Books. Readings in Hellenistic and Roman Books of Poetry. Oxford: Oxford University Press: 559-61.

Nisbet, G. 2003. Greek Epigram in the Roman Empire : Martial’s Forgotten Rivals. Oxford ; New York: Oxford University Press.

Schmitz, Thomas A. 2010. “Epigrammatic communication in Callimachus’ Epigrams “ GRBS 50 (3) : 370-390.

Tarán, Sonya Lida. 1979. The Art of Variation in the Hellenistic Epigram. Leiden: Brill.

Tueller, Michael A. 2008. Look Who’s Talking: Innovations in Voice and Identity in Hellenistic Epigram. Leuven: Peeters.

Catullus and Priapea: General

Hooper, Richard W. The Priapus Poems: Erotic Epigrams From Ancient Rome. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1999.

Hutchinson, Gregory O. ‘The Catullan Corpus, Greek Epigram, and the Poetry of Objects.’ CQ 53, 2003, 206-21.

Skinner, Marilyn B. (ed.). 2007. A Companion to Catullus. Malden: Blackwell.

Martial: General

Anderson, W. S. 1982. “Lascivia vs. ira. Martial and Juvenal. In Essays on Roman Satire. Princeton.

Fain, G. L. 2008. Writing Epigrams : The Art of Composition in Catullus, Callimachus and Martial. Bruxelles: Editions Latomus.

Fitzgerald, W. 2007. Martial : The World of the Epigram. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

*Grewing, Farouk, ed. 1998. Toto Notus in Orbe. Perspektiven der Martial-Interpretation. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag.

* Holzberg, N. 2002. Martial Und Das Antike Epigramm. Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft.

Howell, Peter. 2009. Martial. Ancients in Action. London: Bristol Classical Press.

Holzberg, N. 1988. Martial. Heidelberg: C. Winter.

Moreno Soldevila, R., A. Marina Castillo, J. Fernández Valverde. 2019. A Prosopography to Martial’s Epigrams. De Gruyter.

Nauta, R. R. 2002. Poetry for Patrons: Literary Communication in the Age of Domitian. Leiden ; Boston: Brill.

Rimell, V. 2008: Martial’s Rome: Empire and Ideology of Epigram. Cambridge.

Sullivan, J. P. 1991. Martial, the Unexpected Classic : A Literary and Historical Study. New York: Cambridge University Press.

Szelest, H. 1980. “Ut Faciam Breviora Mones Epigrammata, Corde . . . Eine Martial- Studie.” Philologus CXXIV: 99-108.

Spizak, A. L. 2007. Martial: a Social Guide. London: Duckworth.

Williams, C. A. 2002. “Sit Nequior Omnibus Libellis: Text, Poet, and Reader in the Epigrams of Martial.” Philologus146: 150-171.

Martial: Bibliographies


Oxford Bibliographies: Martial

Martial, Text Commentaries (Ordered by Book)

Martial.1990. M. Valerii Martialis Epigrammata, ed. W. Heraeus. Stutgardiae: B.G. Teubner.

Lib. Spect. Coleman,K. 2006. Liber Spectaculorum. Oxford.

Book 1 Howell, P. 1980. A Commentary on Book One of the Epigrams of Martial. London: Athlone Press.

Citroni, M. 1975. Valerii Martialis Epigrammaton Liber Primus. Florence: La nuova Italia.

Book 2 Williams, C. A. 2004. Martial: Epigrams Book Two. C. A. Williams. New York, Oxford University Press.

Book 3 Fusi, A. 2006. Epigrammaton Liber Tertius. Hildesheim ; New York: G. Olms.

Book 4 Moreno Soldevila, R. 2006. Martial, Book IV: a Commentary. Leiden ; Boston: Brill.

Book 5 Canobbio, A. 2011. M. Valerii Martialis. Epigrammaton liber quintus. Studi latini, 75.   Napoli:  Loffredo editore.

Howell, P. Martial: The Epigrams Book V. Warminster 1995.

Book 6 Grewing, F. 1997. Martial, Buch VI: ein Kommentar. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.

Book 7 Galán Vioque, G., 2002. Martial, Book VII: a Commentary. Leiden, Brill.

Book 8 Schöffel, C. 2002. Martial, Buch 8 : Einleitung, Text, Übersetzung, Kommentar. Stuttgart: Steiner.

Book 9 Henriksén, C. 1998. Martial, Book IX: a Commentary. Uppsala: S. Academiae Ubsaliensis.; revised 2012 (Oxford University Press).

Book 10 Francis, C. 2010. “Martial Epigrammata Book X : a Commentary,” diss. Otago.

Damschen, Gregor/Heil, Andreas.2004. Martial. Epigrammaton liber decimus: Text, Übersetzung, Interpretationen, Frankfurt am Main.

Book 11 Kay, N. M. 1985. Martial Book XI: a Commentary. New York: Oxford University Press.

Book 12 M.N.R. Bowie, “Martial Book XII. A Commentary”, diss. Oxford 1988.

Book 13 Leary. T. J. 2001. Martial, Book XIII, the Xenia. London: Duckworth.

Book 14 Leary. T. J. 1996. Martial, Book XIV, the Apophoreta. London: Duckworth.

Martial: Individual Poems, Cycles, Books, and Topics

Byrn, S. N. 2004. “Martial’s Fiction: Domitius Marsus and Maecenas.” CQ 54: 255-65.

Closs, V. 2021. “Parce, Pater: Martial’s ‘Augustan’ Commentary on Domitianic Rome in Ep. 5.7.” In R. Marks and M. Mogetta, eds., Domitian’s Rome and the Augustan Legacy, 141-57. Ann Arbor.

Colton, R. E. 1977. “Echoes of Catullus and Martial in Statius, Silvae 4, 9.” AC 46: 544-56.

De Arozena, B. P. 1992. “Etymological Play on Alphius-Olphius : (Martial 9. 95).” SyllClass 3: 81-84.

* Fowler, D. 1995. “Martial and the Book.” Ramus 24: 31-58.

Garthwaite, J. 2006. “The Context and Content of Martial, Book 3.” In Studies in Latin Literature and Roman History, ed. C. Deroux, 405-416. Bruxelles: Latomus.

Garthwaite, J. 2001. “Revaluating [Sic] Epigrammatic Cycles in Martial Book 2.” Ramus 30.1: 46-55.

Garthwaite, J. 1998. “Patronage and Poetic Immortality in Martial, Book 9.” Mnemosyne 51: 161-175.

Greenwood, M. A. P. 1998. “Talking Flamingos and the Sins of the Tongue : The Ambiguous Use of Lingua in Martial.” CPh 93.3: 241-246.

Greenwood, M. A. P. 1998 “« Talking to Water » : An Epigram-Cycle in Martial, Book 4 (4. 18 ; 4. 22 ; 4. 63).” RhM141.3-4: 367-372.

Hallett, J. P. 1977. “Puppy Love Martial 1,83 and C.I.L Iv. 8898.” Hermes 105.2: 252-253.

Henderson, J. 2001. “On Pliny on Martial on Pliny on Anon… : (Epistles 3.21/Epigrams 10.19).” Ramus 30.1: 56-87.

Henriksén, C. 2006. “Martial’s modes of mourning. Sepulchral epitaphs in the Epigrams.” In: Ruurd R. Nauta, Harm-Jan van Dam & Johannes J.L. Smolenaars (edd.). Flavian Poetry. Leiden: Brill.

Henriksén, C. 1997. “Earinus. An Imperial Eunuch in Light of the Poems of Martial and Statius.” Mnemosyne 50: 281-294.

Henriksén, C. 1998. “Martial and Statius.Toto Notus in Orbe. Perspektiven Der Martial-Interpretation.” In, ed. F. Grewing, 77-118. Stuttgart.

Hinds, S. 2007. “Martial’s Ovid / Ovid’s Martial.” JRS 97 113-154.

Holzberg, N. 2006. “Onomato-Poetics: a Linear Reading of Martial 7.67-70.” In What’s in a Name?  The Significance of Proper Names in Classical Latin Literature, ed. J. B. a. R. Maltby, 145-158. Swansea: The Classical Press of Wales.

Holzberg, N. 2004-2005. “Martial, the Book, and Ovid.” Hermathena 177-178: 209-224.

Holzberg, N. 2004. “Illud Quod Medium Est: Middles in Martial.” In Middles in Latin Poetry, ed. S. Kyriakidis and D. De Martino, 245-260. Bari.

Jocelyn, H. D. 1985. “Charinus Cunnilingus (Martial I,77).” LCM 10: 41-42.

Kershaw, A. 1997. “Martial 9,44 and Statius.” CPh 92: 269-272.

Kondoyanni, H. 1997. “The Arrangement of the Epigrams in Martial’s Ninth Book.” Sandalion 20: 79-96.

Knox, P. 2006. “Big Names in Martial.” The Classical Journal 101.3: 299-300.

Lavigne, D. 2008. “Embodied Poetics in Martial 11.” TAPhA 138: 275–311.

Lorenz, S. 2004. “Waterscape with Black and White: Epigrams, Cycles, and Webs in Martial’s Epigrammaton Liber Quartus.” AJPh 125.2: 255-278.

Maltby, R. 2006. “Proper-Names as a Linking Device in Martial.” In What’s in a Name? The Significance of Proper Names in Classical Latin Literature, ed. R. Maltby and J. Booth, 150-167. Oakville, CT: Classical Press of Wales.

Morelli, A. M. 2009. “Sighs of Lost Love: The Rufus Cycle in Martial (1.68 and 1.106).” Classical Philology 104: 34–49.

Newmeyer, S. T. 1984. “The Triumph of Art over Nature: Martial and Statius on Flavian Aesthetics.” Helios 11.1: 1-8.

Nisbet, G. 2020. “Martial’s Poetics of Plagiarism.” AJP 141.1: 55-81.

Parker, H. N. 1994. “Innocent on the Face of It: An Overlooked Obscenity in Martial (6.6).” Mnemosyne 47: 380-383.

Pentzer, M. R. 2019. “Horace-ing Around with Martial Book 10” CJ 114.4: 409-438.

Pitcher, R. A. 1998. “Martial’s Debt to Ovid.” In Toto Notus in Orve. Perspektiven Der Martial-Interpretation, ed. F. Grewing, 59-76. Stuttgart.

Roman, Luke. 2010. Martial and the city of Rome. Journal of Roman Studies 100:88–117.

Roman, L. 2001. “The Representation of Literary Materiality in Martial’s « Epigrams ».” JRS 91: 113-145.

Saller, Richard P. 1983. “Martial on Patronage and Literature.” CQ 33, 246-57.

Spisak, Art L. 2007. Martial: A social guide. London: Duckworth.

Spisak, Art L. “The Pastoral Ideal in Martial, Book 10” CW 95.2: 127-141.

Vallat, D. 2006. “Bilingual Plays on Proper Names in Martial.” In What’s in a Name? The Significance of Proper Names in Classical Latin Literature, ed. R. Maltby and J. Booth, 121-143. Oakville, CT: Classical Press of Wales.

Watson, J. S. 2006. “Contextualizing Martial’s Metres.” In Flavian Poetry, ed. R. R. Nauta, H.-J. Van Dam and J. J. L. Smolenaars, 285-98. Boston: Brill.

Watson, Lindsay C. “The unity of Martial’s Epigrams.” In: Ruurd R. Nauta, Harm-Jan van Dam & Johannes J.L. Smolenaars (edd.). Flavian Poetry. Leiden: Brill, 2006 (Mnemosyne Suppl. 270), 271-284.

Watson, P. 2002. “The Originality of Martial’s Language.” Glotta 78.1: 222-257.

White, P. 1996. “Martial and the Pre-Presentation of Texts.” EMC 40: 397-412.

White, P. 1975. “The Friends of Martial, Statius, and Pliny, and the Dispersal of Patronage.” HSCPh 79: 265-300.

White, P. 1974. “The Presentation and Dedication of the Silvae and the Epigrams.” JRS 64: 40-61.

Williams, C. 2002. “Ovid, Martial, and Poetic Immortality: Traces of Amores 1.15 in the Epigrams”, Arethusa 35.3: 417-433.

Wray, David. Catullus and the Poetics of Roman Manhood. Cambridge, New York: Cambridge University Press, 2001.

Martial: Sex, and Obscenity

Hallett, J. P. 1996. “Nec Castrare Velis Meos Libellos : Sexual and Poetic Lusus in Catullus, Martial and the Carmina Priapea.” In Satura Lanx: Festschrift W. A. Krenkel, 321-344.: G. Olms.

Obermayer, H. P. 1998. Martial Und Der Diskurs Über Männliche “Homosexualität” in Der Literatur Der Frühen Kaiserzeit. Tübingen: Narr.

Pitcher R. A. 1982. Passer Catulli. The evidence of Martial. Antichthon 16 : 97-103.

Spisak, A. L. 1994. “Martial’s Theatrum of Power Pornography.” SyllClass 5: 79-89.

* Sullivan, J. P. 1979. “Martial’s Sexual Attitudes.” Philologus CXXIII: 288-302.

Martial: Reception

Boyle, A. J. 1995. “Martialis Redivivus: Evaluating the Unexpected Classic.” Latomus 24: 250-269.

Byrne, S. N. 2001. “Martial and Three Imitators: Luxorius, Godfrey of Winchester, and Henry of Huntingdon.” The Classical Bulletin 77.1: 61-73.

Clark, M. R. (Forthcoming). ‘In a Martial Hand’: Studies in the Epigram in Early Modern England.

Maaz, W. 1992. Lateinische Epigrammatik Im Hohen Mittelalter : Literarhistorische Untersuchungen Zur Martial-Rezeption. Hildesheim: Weidmann.

Mason, H.A. 1998. “Is Martial a Classic?” Cambridge Quarterly 17: 297-368.

Nixon P. 1963. Martial and the modern epigram. New York : Cooper.

Swann, Bruce Wayne. 1994 . Martial’s Catullus: The Reception of an Epigrammatic Rival. New York: G. Olms.

Martial: Concordances

  • Estafania, Dulce. 1979–1985. M. Val. Martialis Epigrammaton concordantia (4 Bd.), Santiago de Compostela .
  • Siedschlag, Edgar. 1979. Martial-Konkordanz, Hildesheim.