Commentary Project

Commentary Project

Full details about the Commentary Project are available here.

Due Dates: Selection (March 14); Completion (April 2)

The Commentary is available at:

Epigrams selected:

  • 10.1-14: maiores
  • 10:15-16: Carter
  • 10.17: maiores
  • 10:18-19: Carter
  • 10.20: maiores
  • 10.22: Michael Kriege
  • 10.21: Marion
  • 10.23: Josh Bayona
  • 10.24–25: maiores
  • 10.26: Rey George
  • 10.27: Michael Kriege
  • 10.28: Emily Aguilar
  • 10.29: Allison
  • 10.30: maiores
  • 10.31: Emily Aguilar
  • 10.32: Julia
  • 10.33: Rey George
  • 10.34: Michael Kriege
  • 10.35: maiores
  • 10.36 Michael Kriege
  • 10.37–46: maiores
  • 10.47-48: Dalton
  • 10.49: Michael Kriege
  • 10.50: Emily Schwartz
  • 10.51–53: maiores
  • 10.54: Allison
  • 10.55: maiores
  • 10.56: Emily Schwartz
  • 10.57: Allison
  • 10.58: Harriet
  • 10.59 maiores
  • 10.60: Allison
  • 10.61: Emily Schwartz
  • 10.62: Emily Aguilar
  • 10.63-67: maiores
  • 10.68 Alice
  • 10.69: Allison
  • 10.70: maiores
  • 10.71: Harriet
  • 10.72: maiores
  • 10.73: Rey George
  • 10.74-75: maiores
  • 10.76: Emily Schwartz
  • 10:77: Allison
  • 10.78: Harriet
  • 10.79: Josh Bayona
  • 10.80: Rey George
  • 10.81-82: Alexander Neuschotz
  • 10.83: maiores
  • 10.85: Alexander Neuschotz
  • 10.86: Julia
  • 10.87 Alice
  • 10.89: Allison
  • 10.90: Marion
  • 10.92: Seth Levin
  • 10.94 Alice
  • 10.96: maiores
  • 10.97: Marion
  • 10.98: Julia
  • 10.100: Marion
  • 10.103: maiores
  • 10.104: Seth Levin

Epigrams commented on by “maiores” were completed by students in a previous edition of this seminar and should be avoided (note that these commentary are not necessarily exemplary).

Guidance on Content and Style

  • In general, use as a baseline for your commentary the principals and style guideline for Dickinson College Commentaries (see below). You may, however, also include philological material appropriate to a scholarly commentary of the sort that we have been using this semester. Note that these are often productively compiled into a brief essay at the start of your notes unless your comment refers uniquely to a single lemma.


  • Bipontine Epigrammata Martialis Ad Usum Delphini v. 1; v. 2; v. 3
  • Prosopography of Martial (2019)
  • Tesserae: for find allusions
  • For researching individual words: Logeion & The Latin Library (n.b., not The Library of Latin texts!)
  • If you’d like to delve more into the theory and practice of the classical commentary, see Classical Commentaries: Explorations in a scholarly genre. C.S. Kraus and C.A. Stray, EdD. Oxford University Press (2016).