

Please sign-up to lead two weeks below:

  • for the first (during Section 1: Weeks 3-8) you and your partner(s) will craft a set of questions for the group, suggest a several key points and/or poems on which to focus our attention
  • for the second (during Section 2: Weeks 9-14), you and your partner(s) will take a more full leadership role in the class; and share a précis of a relevant scholarly article
  • I suggest that you work with the same partner for both classes

Section 1

Week 3 (2.4): Catullus II, the Neoterics, and “Augustan” Epigram – Emily Schwartz, Harriet Evans, and Emily Aguilar

Week 4 (2.11): Priapea (with a dash of Petronius & Seneca)  – Julia and Allison Eckert

Week 5 (2.18): Martial I: Liber Spectaculorum and the Beginnings of the Epigrammaton Libri – Dalton Sala and Seth Levin

Week 6 (2.25): Martial II: Poet & Patron – Josh Bayona and Carter Langen

Week 7 (3.11): Martial III: Epigrams in (and around) the City – Michael Kriege and Rey George

Week 8 (3.18): Martial IV: Rogues & The Skoptic Impulse – Alice Nicholson, Alexander Neuschotz, Marion Hamilton

Section 2

Week 9 (3.25): Martial V: Gifts – Julia and Allison Eckert

Week 10 (4.1): Martial VI: Wives, Ladies, & other Women – Michael Kriege and Rey George

Week 11 (4.8): Martial VII: The Book – Josh Bayona and Carter Langen

Week 12 (4.15): A Renaissance of Epigram – Emily Schwartz, Harriet Evans, and Emily Aguilar

Week 13 (4.22): The Renaissance Epigram – Dalton Sala and Seth Levin

Week 14 (4.29): Neo-Latin Epigram & Epigram in Modern Reception – Alice Nicholson, Alexander Neuschotz, Marion Hamilton

